

アートとは芸術とは何だろうか? 浦安藝大では、身の回りや、一人ひとりの中にある「?」を大切に、分からないこと、分かり合えないことをありのままに共有し、楽しみ、学び合う場をひらいていきます。それぞれの「?」を見つけたり変化させながら、市民もアーティストも行政も、みんなが一緒になって考えていくプロジェクトです。

Urayasu Geidai

What is art? At Urayasu Geidai, we value the “questions” that each one of us has. We will be opening spaces where people can share, enjoy, and learn from what they do not understand just as they are. This is a project in which citizens, artists, and the government all work together to find, change and explore these questions.  

※Urayasu Geidai is a collaborative project between Urayasu City and Tokyo University of the Arts.

内田 悦嗣  浦安市長メッセージ




Message from the Mayor of Urayasu City Etsushi Uchida:

Urayasu Geidai is a project in which the City of Urayasu and Tokyo University of the Arts collaborate with residents to create new value through art, increase the attractiveness of the city, and create opportunities to solve regional and social challenges.

Urayasu is facing a variety of challenges as it matures, and art may provide a clue as to how we can work together with local residents to resolve these issues.

We would like to utilize art as a method to solve various issues in Urayasu by creating a movement rather than simply using art to revitalize the city.

Hopefully, Urayasu Geidai will provide an opportunity for each and every citizen to think about their own city and take action.

We hope you will enjoy seeing, feeling, and experiencing the various artistic practices that will take place in Urayasu.

日比野 克彦 東京藝術大学長メッセージ





Message from Katsuhiko Hibino, President of Tokyo University of the Arts:


Please take a new look at what you see around you. Take a fresh look at what is around you. There are things that are artificial and things that are not, things that look natural but are actually artificially disguised as natural, or things that are natural but controlled by humans for their comfort. It is becoming increasingly difficult to distinguish between what is natural and what is artificial.

The land on which we live and all the systems in our daily lives have been created by human beings while confronting nature with the goal of (X). What is the (X) that humans have been seeking throughout our long history? What is the (X) that we are aiming for in the future? By viewing our daily life through various themes such as “the earth and me,” “history and the future,” and “mind and body,” I am sure that we will be able to see essential landscapes of (X).

That is what we hope to achieve at Urayasu Geidai.